Monday, September 17, 2007

New York, New York!

Friday 17th and well we've made it here! Grand ol' New York. All I can say, having never been here before, is that it is all you would expect it to be and so much more. This place is freaking enormous!!! I'm not kidding. I had no idea this place stretched so far in every direction. You stand in the middle of an intersection and all you can see for miles in all four directions is miles of highrises. These are some photos taken from the top of the Rockerfellla Center - quite a view! There's also Times Square.... an a bridge that looks a litle similar to something back home...? A little exhausted and travel weary - looking forward to having the one hotel room for more than a couple of quick nights. We're here until Sunday so plenty of time to see the sights, taste the tastes and of course appreciate the theatre....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Benny - you need to learn some different posses. Show us you quirky side.....