Sunday 10 May 2009:
Ah the morning after the night before! It took us a little longer to get going this morning but we soon were on our way uptown to to see the Cirque du Soleil production Kooza. A subway ride to 125th Street in Harlem followed by a short bus ride to Randall Island delivered us to the Grand Chapiteau.

The show combines two circus traditions, acrobatic performance and the art of clowning and was to Cirque du Soleil’s usual high standards. Our highlights being the Hire Wire (and it's near mishap) and the aptly named Wheel of Death.
After the show, we decided to catch a water taxi (a small ferry really) back downtown to 35th Street. The trip gave us great views of Manhattan including the United Nations Complex (below) and the iconic Chrysler Building and Empire State Building.

Heading across town we ventured into the massive Macy's store on 34th Street. Proclaimed the world's largest department store (we believe them), we managed to spend a few hours and quite a few more dollars here. Macy's kindly gives visitors a discount card that saves 11% on most items, it helps to lessen the pain.

Purchases in hand, we headed back to the hotel. Unfortunately not everything was in hand and a return visit to Macy's was necessary but successful (please ask Ben for details!).
As we were out and about, we jumped back on the subway and headed downtown for a yummy alfresco dinner on Union Square.
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