Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hollywood VIPs!

Tuesday found us a little more refreshed and ready to go on our VIP tour of Universal Studios Hollywood. This was well worth the extra on entrance fee. A smal group of about 15 with our own tour guide and all food and drink included. We also bypassed any lines for the rides (bit of a recurring theme for us)... unfortunately the bes ride (Revenge of the Mummy) was down due to malfunction which was a little disapointing.

Being in the VIP tour we were able to walk around actual sets that have been and are still being used for various films and tv shows. We toured the props department which has an amazing array of... well just about anything you care to think of. Tried to go 'lebrity spotting but didn't see any.

After about six hours or so Brad and I departed and went the the Universal City Walk - a selection of shops, restaurants, bars and cinema attached to the park. We had a couple of cold beers before watching the movie Transformers on IMAX screen.

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